September 2010

The "People" Side of "People, Planet, Profit"

Friday, 09/03/2010 16:49  |  by Anne Claire Broughton

Sustainability is often defined as businesses and other activities that take into account people, planet, and profit. “Planet” clearly refers to environmental impacts, and “profit” means making money and being financially sustainable. But the “people” side is less well defined.

One of SJF Advisory Services’ goals is to help provide this definition.

Connecting the Green Economy Dots

Tuesday, 09/21/2010 11:43  |  by Anne Claire Broughton

At 7 AM this morning I came back from jogging and opened the paper. The top story in today's Raleigh News and Observer is on Durham-based Cree, local and global manufacturer of super efficient LED lighting.

Building the Momentum for Job Creation Through Entrepreneurship

Tuesday, 09/07/2010 14:37  |  by Erin Payne

Dr. Robert WallaceJoin us as we welcome Dr. Robert Wallace, President and CEO of BITHENERGY as the lunchtime keynote speaker on September 14 at the SJF Summit on the New Green Economy. Dr. Wallace is an accomplished entrepreneur who will share his lessons learned in the founding and operation of three companies, BITHENERGY, LLC, BITHGROUP Technologies, Inc. and Entreteach Learning Systems, LLC in the green economy.

New SJF Summit Panel Session Announced on Green Building Training Strategies

Thursday, 09/09/2010 20:38  |  by Erin Payne

When innovative developers and communities set green standards, it can be hard to find trade partners with green skills. This panel will discuss strategies and opportunities to engage existing contractors and builders in greening and providing green job training in any community.

Last Chance to Register for the SJF Summit

Friday, 09/10/2010 13:10  |  by Erin Payne

Register Today for the SJF Summit on the New Green Economy: Accelerating Growth and Impact, September 14-15. This year's Summit will provide the platform for a diverse group of powerful players in the green economy to network, share information and learn new strategies to take and apply in their work and community.

Green Jobs Policy - How Do we Scale Green Jobs?

Tuesday, 09/14/2010 14:33  |  by Joel Thomas

I'm writing from the Green Jobs Policy Panel at the 2010 SJF Summit. The panelists spoke about community based policies that help to create green jobs as well as broad trends in green jobs policy.

CEO's Share Lessons Learned from Their Green Companies

Tuesday, 09/14/2010 16:24  |  by Joel Thomas

I am writing from the Cleantech CEO panel at the SJF Summit on the New Green Economy.  Bruce Usher opened the panel, with a message that good intentions do not replace good economics.  In today's climate, this could not ring truer.

Day 2 of SJF Summit

Wednesday, 09/15/2010 10:31  |  by Joel Thomas

We are starting Day 2 of the SJF Summit.


Today features opening remarks by Henry McKoy, Assistant Secretary for Community Development at the State Department of Commerce,a plenary session on the People part of the triple bottom line, a series of breakout panels, and closing remarks by David Orr of the Oberlin Project.  Anne Claire Brougton just delivered a talk on her upcoming Employees Matter Report, which deeply studied 16 companies who have used employee engagement strategies to improve their performance.

The State of Carbon Policy in America

Wednesday, 09/15/2010 11:59  |  by Joel Thomas

I am writing from the SJF Summit at a panel on carbon policy.  This post is a summary of the state of carbon policy in America as articulated by Tim Profeta, Professor at the Nicholas School for the Environment.